Wickow Community Response - Ukrainian crisis information: https://www.wicklow.ie/Living/Your-Council/Customer-Care/Community-Response-Ukrainian-Crisis
Wicklow County Council Community Response Forum is coordinating the community-led response to provide support to Ukrainian refugees in County Wicklow. Contact email address: communityforum@wicklowcoco.ie
Free English classes / ВЧИТИ АНГЛІЙСЬКУ:
Bray Area Partnership is running free conversational English classes online and in other locations in Bray and North Wicklow. See: Fáilte Isteach Conversational English Classes
The KWETB is running free English language courses in Bray, Greystones, Wicklow Town, Baltinglass, Blessington, Arklow and Carnew.Bray & North Wicklow contact: catherinegreene@kwetb.ie
Wicklow Town contact: seonahyland@kwetb.ie
West Wicklow contact: guidancewestwicklow@kwetb.ie
See: https://kildarewicklow.etb.ie/english-classes-for-ukranian-refugees/
Gov.ie website: Ireland's response to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Information on the supports and services available to Ukrainian citizens who have come to Ireland.
Реакція Ірландії на ситуацію в Україні
Реакция Ирландии на ситуацию в Украине
Citizens Information Coming to Ireland from Ukraine information page: Coming to Ireland from Ukraine
Information on visas and immigration, social welfare, accommodation, healthcare and medical cards, working in Ireland, education: school and third level.
Irish Refugee Council website: https://www.irishrefugeecouncil.ie/ukraine-information-note
Information for Ukrainians who have come to Ireland, in English and Ukrainian.
- Irish Government resources / Ресурси ірландського уряду
- Access to Healthcare / Доступ до охорони здоров'я
Housing / Житло
Adult Education / Освіта доросли
School / Школу
Guide for Parents and Carers on School Places:
Tusla guide on school places in Ukrainian for Parents and Carers. Посібник для батьків та опікунів щодо подання заяв до школи
If you wish to offer accommodation to Ukrainians coming to Ireland email registerofpledges@redcross.ie.
Contact County Wicklow Volunteer Centre www.volunteerwicklow.ie if you wish to volunteer to offer support to Ukrainian refugees in the local area.